The Bass Pro Shop isn't normally our first stop at the mall, but they have a big fish tank and other cool stuff like camping gear. Here's Ira in a little, Ira-sized chair.
The big draw of the mall is the train that runs from the Dairy Queen to the Gymboree store.
Look! We've got our tickets!
All aboard!
Whoo! Feel the wind in your hair!
We had a fancy birthday dinner at Chili's.
I don't know what silly name Chili's has for their silly chocolate dessert thing, but Ira didn't care what they called it. He didn't wait to find out before he dove in head first.
A week after Ira's birthday GG, Poppy, and Nonny showed up bearing gifts.
After the presents, we took off for the pumpkin patch. We're really starting to repeat ourselves a lot, now that we've been blogging for almost two years. But its cool. We like doing stuff more than once, and I'm sure you like looking pictures of us doing that stuff. Right? And besides, for Ira its like we're doing it for the first time.
For the sake of comparison: here's Ira at Gentry's Farm last year. Holy crap! Look how tiny he is!
Just so you know, Ira isn't wearing the exact same outfit as last year. I think corduroy overalls are just the standard pumpkin patch outfit.
Pumpkins, pumpkins, pumpkins!
One thing that's changed from last year's trip is we didn't have to go by ourselves. We got to bring some family along. Here's GG and Nonny with Ira on the hayless hay ride.
Poppy and Ira.
There were all sorts of animals at the farm like these homing pigeons.
Ira went through this tunnel about a hundred times. He was very sad when we made him stop.
Ira and Mommy on a bridge staring at a creek.
Nonny, Ira, and Poppy.
Playing in some wheat.
Pumpkin patch! Ira spent a long time searching for the perfect pumpkin.
And we found a few.
Ira loaded the pumpkins into our car for us.
And here we are at Centennial Park later that night. All in all we had a great time with family. Now that its been a few weeks, Ira is about done singing "Happy Birthday" to himself and has stopped asking for cake for dinner every night.