Sunday, August 22, 2010

That Summer Feeling

A quick digest of all of the hijinks and shenanigans we've been up to so far this summer.

What would the summer be without baseball? Kirsten is itching for Ira to join a tee ball league so that she can be his coach.

Ira sings Take Me Out to the Ball Game from Jesse Morros on Vimeo.

Of course, the most important part of baseball is knowing how to sing the songs.

We've also spent some time at the lake. This is something I never thought I'd enjoy since I'm so accustomed to the luxury of the whitest sand in the world. But I actually like the lake a little more than the beach as far as swimming with Ira. There's no undertow to drag him away and no waves to knock him over.

Ira had a lot of fun. I think we'll keep doing this until it's too cold.

I'm sure I don't need to explain this, but Ira is wearing an astronaut costume. The shovel and rake are his astronaut gloves and the piggy Easter basket is his helmet. We've been really into astronauts and planets and outer space this summer.

As much as we've been enjoying exploring space, we'll never forget about dinosaurs, especially the mighty T-Rex.

Here's Ira and Avery on the 4th of July.

They got along well enough to actually share a plate of watermelon. Ira can be like a starved pit bull when it comes to sharing food, but he was pretty nice with Avery.

Ira's making his Cheeeeese! face in the tent with Avery after some fun in the kiddie pool.

This is as close to camping as we've gotten this summer: watching Foghorn Leghorn videos on Youtube in a tent in the living room.

Ira's teachers make the kids do pushups before than can play on the Slip-N-Slide on Water Day.

Ira is an adrenaline junkie just like his old man.

Ira's family came to town for a Justin Bieber concert, and we took them downtown to the Court House to play in the fountains.

Ira's cousin Holley, her friend Ally, Ira, and Kirsten cooled off in fountain.

Nana and Ira switched brains in the Freaky Friday machine.

We were going to treat everyone to ice cream at the cutest little locally owned ice cream shop. But, since they're locally owned, they closed early, and we went to McDonald's instead. Ira and Holley beat Nana and Mommy in the high chair race.

We did get to go to the cutest little locally owned make-your-own pancake shop. That's a griddle in the middle of the table.

We also went to Baja Burrito, the ultimate burrito shop. The kids posed outside with the Baja Burrito Beetle.

Ira was very sad when his cousin left. He loves her very much. Even if she is a nerd.

Here's the Justin Bieber fan club getting cocktails at the Hard Rock before the concert.

Holley tried to infect Ira with the Bieber Fever. I tried to inoculate him with an extra dose of Led Zeppelin, but Kirsten countered with Abba and "Dancing Queen."

Ira's poker face at Baja Burrito.

Ira and Nana got down with some Play Dough.

That's a chocolate ice cream face.

Look at this work of art.

Ira plays Sherlock at Publix.