Sunday, December 14, 2008


There are twelve days until Christmas so it's probably time to get my Thanksgiving pictures up. We went to Asheville, NC with my mom and had a great time. It was nice to get out of Nashville and spend some time in an awesome town like Asheville.

It was nice to see Ira spend time with my mom. Here they are reading together.

We had Thanksgiving dinner at the Grovewood Cafe, next to the Grove Park Inn. Pear and Gorgonzola Salad, Butternut Squash Risotto, and a dessert buffet.

This was in the Grove Arcade, downtown. Apparently everything is named Grove-something in Asheville. This guitar guy stopped playing fancy classical music and started playing kid songs for Ira.

A florist in the Arcade gave Ira a flower. He liked the way it smelled . . .

. . . and wanted Kirsten to smell it, too.

Other than the risotto, the highlight of the trip was the Biltmore Estate. We had to spread our visit out over two days because it was so busy.

This is at the farm on the estate. They had all sorts of kid-oriented things to do. Like playing dress up . . .

. . .croquet . . .

. . . and tea parties.

There was also a petting zoo, and you know how much we love petting zoos.

We even took Ira to the winery. Places like that can be a little stuffy, but Ira and Big G found a way to have a little fun.

We weren't allowed to take pictures inside the house so this is the best you'll get. It's really too bad that you can't see Kirsten carrying sleeping Ira all over the largest house in the US.

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