Sunday, September 20, 2009

At the fair

Last weekend we went on down to the Tennessee State Fair. It smelled awful, but we had a lot of fun.

Ira and Mommy with a giant, mutant dalmatian.

Here we are with another goat. One day I'll count 'em up, but I'm sure the number of goats that have appeared on this blog is staggering.

I think this is our first turkey. Ira was a little frightened, and who'd blame him. These things are ugly.

Ira got pretty excited when he saw all of these truck things. I think this is a bulldozer. I should wake up Ira and ask him because he would know.

Train tables are almost as ubiquitous in our life as goats.

Ira riding a pony.

We checked out all of the rides to see which Ira would be able to ride . Of course the train was a natural choice, but we were a little apprehensive because it was a kids only sort of thing and we couldn't ride with him. Fortunately this little girl took good care of him. We didn't get a picture of her kissing his check just a second later.

Click on the picture for a larger view. Ira's in the last seat in the middle car.

Ira sat alone on his second time around.

This isn't at the fair; we're at the Greek Fest. We hang with stinky animals wherever we go.

I had to work in the afternoon and Greek Fest opened at noon so we only managed to take a few pictures. Fortunately we had enough time to introduce Ira to the world of tacky Greek accessories.

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