Sunday, June 15, 2008

Business Time

If you're signed up to get blog updates emailed to you through Blogarithm, you might be missing them. Apparently, Blogarithm has been sold to a company called RSSFWD and some of the updates were lost in the merger. I haven't been getting the updates so I'm guessing other people are missing out, as well. I've added a subscription bar for RSSFWD. You can find it on the right side of the page. I'm not sure how the RSSFWD service works, but I think we'll give it a shot.

If you're subscribed to the RSS feed in Google Reader, Netvibes, or another feed reader, you should still be getting your Ira updates. If you don't know about RSS or feed readers, here's a website that explains RSS, and here's a video (from the Nashville Public Library) about using RSS. The video shows you how to subscribe to a feed using Bloglines. I prefer Google Reader, but Bloglines is cool, too. RSS can be a little bewildering at first, but once you figure it out, it can be truly awesome.

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