Saturday, February 2, 2008

Cutie Pie Overload!!!!!!!!

Maybe its just a fury of excitement over joining the world of digital journaling, but here we are just days after my first post, and I'm already posting again. You're so lucky. Don't expect this kind of dedication forever.

Here we have a picture of Ira eating green beans. Because he's eating vegetables and cereal, he's started sleeping longer at night. I can't tell you how happy that's made us. I don't think either of us realized how tired we'd been.

Everyday Ira gets a little more playful and a lot more tactile. It was interesting watching him learn how to make his hands grab the things he wanted, like his toes in the picture above or me in the picture below. For awhile, his hands would flail around, and he would get frustrated watching them move without being able to control them. But it didn't take him long to develop a little coordination. He can even grab a toy and put it in his mouth fairly easily. He is the smartest baby in the world.

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