Wednesday, February 20, 2008

It's been over two weeks now since my last post, and I have to apologize. I feel like a dead beat dad, neglecting my parental duties. Sure this isn't technically a "parental duty," but if I want to be Dad2.0 I've gotta keep up, right? But I do have a bit of an excuse. Ira has started rolling over, and we wanted to have an awesome video to post so everyone could share in the joy of watching the world's smartest baby perform his awe-inspiring feats of amazement. Unfortunately, catching Ira rolling over on video is like capturing footage of the elusive Chupacabra. We'd film Ira lying on the floor staring at the camera for what seemed like hours, and then, just after we'd stop filming, he'd roll. Parenting is going to get much easier when we can communicate together verbally. But you're not here to listen to my excuses or hear all about the videos you're not going to get to see, are you? I'll stop wasting your time and get to the good stuff.

This is Ira and me at Grimey's, a record store here in Nashville. We went to see a band whose name I can't remember. They weren't very good, but it was nice to get out and hear some live music in the middle of the afternoon with our son. I wish there were more options for outings like this.

Here's Ira and Kirsten reading a book together. Tennessee might not have the best education system in the country, but they do have a great program called Books from Birth. Until Ira turns five, he'll get a new, free book in the mail every month. This fabulous idea was thought up by none other than Dolly Parton, truly a great Tennessean.

Here's some video of Kirsten tickling Ira, and Ira trying to pull Kirsten's hair.

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